New User Need to Know!

If you are new to the Neighborhood or to the New Website, here's some helpful information:

All documents can be accessed easily on the pages list to the right.
Only Homeowners can access these documents.  If you are a homeowner and need to access these documents please register as a user so that you will have access to them.  

If you have any questions for The Board see the "Contact HOA" page.  Your message goes directly to EVERY board member.

When you register it's important to know that your personal email address and phone numbers you've entered are visible unless you choose to change your privacy settings.  To change your settings please follow the instructions below:

About privacy preferences

Residents can manage their privacy preferences at any time. These settings allow you to control what information is displayed to other residents and visitors to the website. Specifically, you can hide information from the community directory and choose which contact information is used if you're a board/committee member. To manage your preferences:

  1. Log into your community website
  2. Click your name in the top right
  3. Click "Account Settings"


  4. Click the "Privacy" tab
